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Building 3D Calves Using FST-7 with 212 Olympia Champ Derek Lunsford

Mar 23, 2022

Building 3D Calves Using FST-7 with 212 Olympia Champ Derek Lunsford

22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod is always chasing perfection with his FST-7 trained athletes. The Pro Creator is always making improvements on reigning Olympia 212 Champion Derek Lunsford to defend his title. One area the champ can improve on is calves. Follow behind the scenes as Hany puts Derek through an FST-7 calves workout.
10 TikTok Hacks That Actually Work and Increase Followers

Mar 9, 2022

10 TikTok Hacks That Actually Work and Increase Followers

So, you have a TikTok? How often are you posting? Frequently? Are you frustrated that your views aren’t growing and that your following consists of your mom and best friend (which neither of them watches your videos)? Don’t worry! That’s all about to change. There are a few TikTok hacks that you need to be aware of that can drastically improve your ability to get noticed, create viral content, and increase your followers.
Build Poppin 3D Glutes with Dr. Sunny Andrews and Hany Rambod 3 Weeks Out From The Arnold Wellness International

Feb 23, 2022

Build Poppin 3D Glutes with Dr. Sunny Andrews and Hany Rambod 3 Weeks Out From The Arnold Wellness International

Team Evogen Elite IFBB Wellness Pro Dr. Sunny Andrews and 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod collaborate in Dallas three weeks out from the 2022 Wellness International at the Arnold Sports Weekend. For the first time, The Pro Creator shares an FST-7 glutes workout for the Wellness division as he offers a watchful eye to help get Sunny dialed in for the competition. 
Build 3D Arms with Derek Lunsford & Hany Rambod

Feb 17, 2022

Build 3D Arms with Derek Lunsford & Hany Rambod

Everything is bigger in Texas including the arms on Evogen Elite's 212 Olympia Champ Derek Lunsford. The champ is visiting 22X Olympia winning coach Hany at Evogen's new facility in Texas. The winning team digs into an intense FST-7 workout to build 3D arms. Follow The Pro Creator as he pushes Derek while tweaking his form on various exercises to get the full muscle contraction.
Hany Pushes Dr. Sunny Andrews Through FST-7 Shoulders 10 Weeks Out from the Arnold Wellness International

Feb 1, 2022

Hany Pushes Dr. Sunny Andrews Through FST-7 Shoulders 10 Weeks Out from the Arnold Wellness International

Team Evogen Elite IFBB Pro Dr. Sunny Andrews has teamed up with 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod. The Pro Creator and his new student are working together, day in and day out, to refine her physique in hopes of dominating the Arnold Wellness International in less than 10 weeks.
Evogen Elite Adds IFBB Pro Tom Cox The 2021 NPC Nationals Overall Champ

Jan 27, 2022

Evogen Elite Adds IFBB Pro Tom Cox The 2021 NPC Nationals Overall Champ

Team Evogen Elite brings on their latest athlete and IFBB Pro Tom Cox from North Carolina under the coaching of Evogen Elite Coach Unchained Physiques.
Day In The Life with Andrei Deiu

Jan 25, 2022

Day In The Life with Andrei Deiu

Team Evogen Elite catches up with IFBB Pro Andrei Deiu to see what he has been up to since the 2021 Olympia. Andrei walks us through a day in the life and we circle back with 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod for a special check in to discuss plans for the 2022 contest season.
FST-7 Quads with Dr. Sunny Andrews and Hany Rambod

Jan 19, 2022

FST-7 Quads with Dr. Sunny Andrews and Hany Rambod

Team Evogen Elite's newest athlete IFBB Wellness Pro Sunny Andrews is off to a quick start being less than 10 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Classic in Ohio. 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod and Sunny are looking to dominate the Arnold as they train FST-7 quads for the first time together. Go behind the scenes as Dr. Andrews digs in with The Pro Creator at Hidden Gym in Dallas, TX.
Team Evogen Elite Welcomes Coach Kye Daley

Jan 11, 2022

Team Evogen Elite Welcomes Coach Kye Daley

Evogen Nutrition continues to bolster their ambitious Evogen Elite Coach program with the latest addition of Coach Kye Daley. Kye is originally from Australia and has been in the United States for the past 6 years. His athletic life started with middle and long distance running in triathlons. Over the years Kye has tried his hand at various sports including rugby and cricket, but has now turned to bodybuilding while helping his clients achieve their best goal physiques within the bodybuilding space.   
Team Evogen Elite Welcomes IFBB Wellness Pro Dr. Sunny Andrews

Dec 30, 2021

Team Evogen Elite Welcomes IFBB Wellness Pro Dr. Sunny Andrews

Evogen Nutrition is known for signing some elite and ambitious athletes. The newest addition to the growing Evogen Elite team is IFBB Pro League Wellness athlete and Top 6 at the 2021 Olympia Dr. Sunny Andrews who got her athletic start in track and soccer. She fell in love with the fitness lifestyle as a way of promoting what she thought western medicine should be - promoting a healthy lifestyle of training and nutrition.
Team Evogen Elite Welcomes IFBB Bikini Pro Carla Garthwaite

Dec 28, 2021

Team Evogen Elite Welcomes IFBB Bikini Pro Carla Garthwaite

Evogen Nutrition is known for signing some elite and ambitious athletes. IFBB Pro League Carla Garthwaite is a mother of 2 children and owns her own glam company Show Glow Competition Services. She started her journey into fitness over 8 years ago as a young mother wanting more for herself and family. She fell in love with the results, transforming her physique into a winning combination of beauty, curvy lines and muscle to win her IFBB Pro card at the 2018 NPC Jr. USA. 
Team Evogen Elite Welcomes Jiu Jitsu Champion Nicky “The Black Belt Slayer” Rodriguez

Nov 15, 2021

Team Evogen Elite Welcomes Jiu Jitsu Champion Nicky “The Black Belt Slayer” Rodriguez

BJJ Phenom Nicky Rod Signs Deal to Have Evogen Nutrition in His Corner. Evogen Nutrition, a leader in sports nutrition and supplementation, has signed BJJ grappler and athlete Nicky Rod as part of Team Evogen.

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