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Bloating and Estrogen: Can DIM Help?

Jun 9, 2021

Bloating and Estrogen: Can DIM Help?

Bloating and estrogen… two words that, when used, resemble a four-letter word that starts with “F.” We’ll keep things PG here, but you get the picture. Luckily, a three-letter word, DIM (diindolylmethane), can come to the rescue and help you better optimize your hormone levels.
Testosterone’s Nemesis Cortisol: Optimizing the T:C Ratio

May 10, 2021

Testosterone’s Nemesis Cortisol: Optimizing the T:C Ratio

Are you trying to build mass and add lean muscle to your physique? Or maybe you’re looking to shed unwanted body fat and get shredded? Either way you’re leaning, there are two hormones that you need to pay particular attention to – testosterone and cortisol. Being able to optimize the T:C ratio (testosterone to cortisol ratio) should be of the utmost importance if you want to quickly and effectively achieve your physique goals.

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