Hany Rambod Issued FST-7 Arms with Evogen Elite's Andrei and Elton
Sep 17, 2020
Team Evogen Elite athletes Andrei and Elton meet up at Muscleworks in Orpington to blast some FST-7 arms.
Go behind the scenes as the two discuss their plans for the rest of the year and push each other during an insane FST-7 arms training session where they push their body's to the limit and leave nothing left in the tank.
The Hany Rambod FST-7 trained athlete IFBB Pro Andrei Deiu is about to start prep while Elton Pinto Mota is trying to qualify for the 2020 Olympia.
As they take their pre-workout, The Pro Creator issues them a brutal FST-7 arms workout.
If you want to see some extreme gains in your arm growth, give this FST-7 arms workout a try this week and let us know what you think when you're done.
Related Article: Road To The Olympia: Get 3D with Andrei, Derek and Hadi Training FST-7 Arms
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- 1 cap - EVP AQ
- 1 scoop - EVP 3D
- 1 scoop - EVP AQ
- 1 scoop - Amino KEM
- 2 scoops - IsoJect Mint Chip Ice Cream
EXERCISE 1 - FST-7 Handoffs
- Fixed Barbell
- 10-15 reps
- (hand off to Training Partner, that is your Rest time)
- 7 Sets
- Do not Let the Bar drop*
EXERCISE 2 - Seated (slightly) Inclined Dumbell Curls
- Alternating Reps
- 10-12 Reps 4 sets
EXERCISE 3 - Machine Preacher Curls
- 8-12 Reps 3 Sets
EXERCISE 4 - Static Hold Dumbell Curls (Palms facing Each Other)
- 3 Reps Together
- Hold left, 5 reps Right (visa versa)
- Hold left, 3 reps Right (visa versa)
- Hold left, 2 reps Right (visa versa)
- 3-5 Reps together
- Equals 1 Set*
- 3 Sets
EXERCISE 5 - FST-7 Standing Front Double Bicep Curls
(Using Cable Machine)
- 1 Set Contains:
- 8-12 Reps
- Super set Close Grip (Diamond) Push ups 10-15 Reps
- Front Double Bicep Pose 10-20 Seconds
- 7 Sets 30 Seconds Rest
EXERCISE 6 - Close Grip Bench Press (inside Shoulder Width)
- 8-10 Reps 4 Sets
EXERCISE 7 - Cambered Barbell Skull Crushers (laying down)
- 8-12 Reps 4 sets
EXERCISE 8 - Machine Dips
- 8-12 Reps 4 Sets
EXERCISE 9 - FST-7 Finishers*
- 1 set contains:
- 10-15 Reps Rope Push Down
- Superset 10-15 Overhead Rope Push Outs
- Superset Tricep Pose 15-20 Sec
*7 Sets 30 Second Rest