FST-7 Arms with The 212 Olympia Champ Derek Lunsford and The 2X People's Champ Hadi Choopan
Oct 28, 2021
Fresh off a successful 2021 Olympia Weekend, now 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod gathers the team one week after the Olympia at American Barbell in San Jose, CA. Fresh off his first Olympia 212 win, Derek Lunsford and The 2X Olympia People's Champ Hadi Choopan start training for 2022. Follow behind the scenes as The Pro Creator runs through FST-7 arms.
- EVP Xtreme N.O., 1 scoop
- EVP AQ, 1 cap
Cable Rope Pull Downs
- 3 Warm up 3 working
- 6 sets 15-20 reps
Barbell (curl) Skull Crushers
- 4 sets 8-15 reps
Machine Tricep Dips
- 4 sets 8-15 reps
Machine Preacher Curls
- 4 sets 10-15 reps
Alternating Hammer Curls
- 4 sets 10-15 reps
Overhead Cable Curls
- 4 sets 8-15 reps