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FST7 Tip Time Under Tension vs. Heavy Lifting with Hany Rambod

Aug 27, 2022

FST7 Tip Time Under Tension vs. Heavy Lifting with Hany Rambod

In this week's FST-7 Tip of The Week powered by Evogen Nutrition, 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod discusses the difference between time under tension TUT vs. heavy lifting. 
FST-7 Tip Does Age Affect Training and Recovery?

Aug 6, 2022

FST-7 Tip Does Age Affect Training and Recovery?

In this week's FST-7 Tip of The Week powered by Evogen Nutrition Hany Rambod answers the question does age affect training and recovery? Truth be told yes 100% but you need to train smarter as oppose to harder when you get older. The 22X Olympia winning coach explains why time under tension optimizing mind muscle connection. 
Time Under Tension: Your Best Friend with Limited Equipment

Jun 17, 2020

Time Under Tension: Your Best Friend with Limited Equipment

There are many different ways that you can complete the same goal – such as with tearing down muscle fibers in order to effectively build lean muscle mass.  While there may be one way that works better than others, that doesn’t mean you should forgo using different methods like time under tension (or “TUT” for short) when they are your only option. 

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