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FST 7 Tip: How to Fix Muscle Imbalances with Hany Rambod

FST 7 Tip: How to Fix Muscle Imbalances with Hany Rambod

FST-7 Tip of The Week powered by Evogen Nutrition. 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod talks about how to fix muscle imbalances from one side of the body to the other.  Rambod demonstrates his technique with IFBB Pro Andrei Deiu

Learn from The Pro Creator and Team Evogen Elite athletes each week in this on-going FST-7 tip of the week series designed to provide you with valuable insight to help your training, nutrition and supplementation from the best in the business.

In this installment, Hany Rambod works with Andrei Deiu to help focus on improving muscle imbalances so that you can create a symmetrical physique. When on stage and competing, it's important that a bodybuilder has both sides of their body the same size. That means bringing up lagging body parts as well as muscle imbalances that throws off a look and can deduct points on the scorecards.


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