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Hadi Choopan Smashes FST-7 Legs 6 Weeks Out From The 2020 Mr. Olympia

Hadi Choopan Smashes FST-7 Legs 6 Weeks Out From The 2020 Mr. Olympia


Team Evogen Elite catches up with Hadi Choopan across the world in Iran as he preps for the 2020 Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas and hits some FST-7 Legs.

While Hadi really doesn't have any weak points to his physique, he continues to grind in the gym, chipping away and fine-tuning things. Follow him as he crushes FST-7 legs to further develop his massive wheels.

Hadi is no stranger to the Olympia stage. In fact, last year Choopan took third in his first Olympia and won The People's Champ award. Hadi and Hany Rambod are looking to move up the podium this December.

Related Article: Train with The Pro Creator: Hadi Choopan FST-7 Quads

Go behind the scenes as the Hany Rambod trained athlete blasts legs 6 weeks out. Follow his FST-7 legs workout and supplement protocol below.





Barbell Romanian deadlifts

  • 10-12 reps


Machine Leg Press

  • 10-15 reps


Reverse Machine Hack Squat

  • 10-15 reps


FST-7 Machine Leg Press

  • 10-15 reps
  • 60 second rest
  • Repeat 7 times, increasing weight each set



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Know exactly who the right person is and who it is you supposed to love because there has been people living in denial of being gay and also this spell can make someone gay though that will be natural not interfering with one’s free will, Lesbian and straight and they are not sure of what exactly they are, get the core understanding of love that you desire and let no one interfere into your life because someone who is not sure of their sexuality might be in a relationship with a gay or lesbian person and they lie so this magic gay love spell will help avoid cheats and who will end up breaking your heart so why wait for all that yet this love connection spell can guide you all the way to a true love.

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