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What is GABA?

What is GABA?

We live insanely busy lives.  We run from one place to the next, one meeting after another, make time to fit in a workout, focus on our nutrition, spend time with the family, and then with all the stress that the day brings we’re supposed to get a good night’s sleep.  Well, that’s not always going to play out in our favor – or will it? GABA is a supplement that many use when looking to decompress a little, take the edge off, and get some quality sleep. 

Sleep is 100% necessary for proper recovery – both mentally and physically.  But, the benefits of GABA don’t stop there.  

Why should you consider using GABA?

For starters, let’s get to know and understand GABA a little bit.  GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid.  It is a neurotransmitter that sends signals and messages between your nervous system and your brain.  Its claim to fame is reducing nerve cell activity which can help provide a calming effect to the individual.  This can help benefit the individual when it comes to relaxation as well as as a sleep aid at night.

In an industry where pre-workouts and stimulants rule, many people find themselves unable to come down off their adrenaline rush to catch some z’s.  The good news is that GABA supplementation has been found to help improve your quality of sleep, even if you are still feeling the effects of caffeine from a stimulant you used earlier.  It can also do this without you waking up the next morning with what many consider a “hangover feeling” from taking other supplements or prescription medications to treat insomnia.

The benefits of GABA aren’t just for those looking for a better night’s sleep.  Many of us need to perform (mentally) at a high level at work or during an athletic competition and it has been shown that through supplementing with GABA, you can actually increase cognitive performance – providing you with what could be a considerable edge over those around you.

When combining mental focus with strength training, you have the ability to put on quality lean muscle mass.  In an effort to further enhance your muscle-building potential, researchers have found that by supplementing with GABA and combining it with a resistance training program, individual’s were able to increase growth hormone (GH) levels by as much as 400%.

Those who exercise regularly could, unfortunately, find themselves suffering from inflammation in their joints – possibly due to overuse.  This inflammation can cause pain and decrease the individual’s ability to perform or even move without discomfort (minor or severe). 

Supplementing with GABA has shown that this ingredient has the ability to reduce joint inflammation, allowing you to get relief from any inflammation that could have been affecting you negatively.

To go along with the mental cognition benefits of this supplement, GABA can naturally reduce stress, anxiety, and fear.  This is great news for those who need to stay focused and perform at a high level – regardless if it’s in the boardroom, playing field, or in the gym. 

Related Article: Train, Eat, Sleep, Repeat: 4 Ways to Shred and Stay Strong

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