Hany Rambod & Hadi Choopan - FST7 Chest in Germany
Jul 30, 2018
Evogen Founder and 22X Olympia Winning Coach Hany Rambod got together with Team Evogen Elite athlete and client Hadi Choopan to blast Chest!
Hadi Choopan could easily be an Olympia champ for many years to come if he follows the guidance of Hany Rambod and implements the techiques and strategies that Hany is known for bringing to his clients and getting them insane results.
Related Article: Hadi Choopan Hits FST-7 Shoulders in Dubai
Watch The Pro Creator™ take the Persian Wolf through adjustments in his form during his chest workout in Germany!
Dying to try this FST-7 chest workout yourself? If it's good enough for Hadi Choopan, it's good enough for you!
Follow along with the downloadable workout below!
Learn all about it here.