Evogen Physiques Workshop Episode 4 - Supps and Cardio with Hany Rambod
Mar 24, 2017
Hany Rambod is one of the most respected coaches in the game today. Not only does he train top athletes, but he also wants YOU to get in the best shape of your lives. Supps and cardio seem to be a hot topic these days and Hany wants to share his thoughts with you on the subject.
If you want to get the most out of your supps and cardio when it comes to effective weight loss and fat loss, you don't want to miss his latest Evogen Physiques Workshop episode where he breaks it all down for you and spills the tea to help you achieve a mind-blowing physique that'll turn heads.
Evogen Nutrition CEO Hany "The Pro Creator" Rambod is also the creator of the FST-7 training system. Under his guidance, top physique competitors have won over 20 Olympia titles.
In this episode, you'll learn about how supplement timing ties into your cardio regimen to dial in your perfect physique.
Related Article: Evogen Physiques Workshop Part 3 - Advanced FST-7 Arms w/ Jeremy Buendia
In case you missed them please check out the other episodes.
Evogen Physique Workshop Part 1 - What is FST-7?
Evogen Physiques Workshop Part 2 - Advanced FST-7 Techniques
Evogen Physiques Workshop Part 3 - Advanced FST-7 Arms w/ Jeremy Buendia

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