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Evogen Elite Thanks Athlete Frank Bugner For His Service In The US Marines

Evogen Elite Thanks Athlete Frank Bugner For His Service In The US Marines

Frank enlisted in the Marine Corps the summer before his senior year and went to basic training at Parris Island SC on July 10th 2000. Frank was stationed In Japan San Diego Area and Portland OR throughout my career. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2009-2010. Retired on Oct 31st 2020.  

Frank enlisted because he wanted the Marine Corps to be a stepping stone for his future. He embraced the challenge admired the physical fitness aspect and wanted to travel the world.  Also his father is a retired Marine and he wanted to follow in his footsteps by serving our country. Frank ended up having a great experience his first enlistment and decided to stay in.  

Frank found Evogen in 2014 when a fellow Marine and competitor set him up with his contest prep coach. The coach recommended he use EVP, Cell K.E.M. and Glycoject (only products back then) as part of his supplementation.

Once Frank started taking Evogen he said “I can immediately feel a difference from the quality. No upset stomach full pumps the entire training session and the results were very noticeable. It felt great knowing I was putting high grade products in my body.  As time progressed and new products were released I added them to my supplementation.  Now that there is a wide range of supplements from Evogen it has made looking for the right supplements easier. I’d choose an Evogen product before another brand because I know the details and work put into it.  The entire Evogen line is used for my contest prep and offseason.”

Outside of competition the use of Evogen products in support of a military lifestyle can work out in your advantage.  Frank said “We are required to be in shape and take fitness tests numerous times throughout the year. The use of the Shred Fast Stack before cardio helps maintain our military appearance in uniform and meet height and weight standards. We are always on the go so if I needed a solid meal replacement right away I would bring a shaker Cup with IsoJect and unflavored Glycoject ready to mix.  For long hikes or runs I would consume Glycoject beforehand. Long days at work is where I liked to use Aminoject.”

After the military, Frank plans to stay active with the fitness lifestyle and work as a personal trainer helping people reach their goals.

Thank you for your service Frank. We salute you!


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