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FST7 Why Should Electrolytes Be Used with Glycerol?

Jul 29, 2023

FST7 Why Should Electrolytes Be Used with Glycerol?

22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod explains why electrolytes should be used in combination with glycerol for mas...
FST-7 Tip How Can Glycerol Help Muscle Pumps While Dieting?

Jul 15, 2023

FST-7 Tip How Can Glycerol Help Muscle Pumps While Dieting?

22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod explains how glycerol can help with muscle pumps while dieting and feeling flat.  While dieting you are flat because you have a lack of carbohydrates. The carbs that lead to glycogen will lead to muscle fullness.

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