FST-7 Tip Slow Progress with Competition Approaching Fast
Jul 21, 2022
In this week's FST-7 Tip of The Week Hany Rambod covers what to do when you are slowly progressing and you have a competition approaching fast? Learn from 22X Olympia winning coach as he provides insight from a metabolic perspective. Taking cardio, overtraining, caloric intake, cheat meals and rest into consideration The Pro Creator is able to pivot during contest prep to get an athlete dialed in.
If you're in this camp where you're starting to get stressed out due to slow progress and a fast show approaching, the last thing you need is to send your cortisol levels into orbit and throw another wrench into the fold. Stay calm. Watch this video, and understand how Hany Rambod would handle the situation.
Related Article: Testosterone’s Nemesis Cortisol — Optimizing the T:C Ratio
Stop worrying about slow progress once and for all with a competition approaching fast. Follow Hany's recommendations and you should be just fine. Check out the video!